Customer Testimonial
Policlinico Umberto I

AGFA HealthCare Enterprise Imaging goes live at Policlinico Umberto I, in Rome, delivering reliable, near real-time image access to all users across a large and complex university hospital structure
AGFA HealthCare is pleased to announce that the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria (AOU) Policlinico Umberto I has successfully gone live with the Enterprise Imaging platform across radiology, cardiology and molecular imaging. The five-year contract includes Enterprise Imaging for Radiology, the XERO® Universal Viewer,
Elefante.NET® radiology information system (RIS)1, and modules for dose monitoring, business intelligence and clinical collaboration. This one-of-a-kind, seamless and secure platform now delivers near real-time access to imaging studies across the enterprise.
Redefining the radiology experience
Prof. Carlo Catalano, chairman of the department of Radiological Sciences, Oncology and Anatomical Pathology at La Sapienza University, head of the Radiology Department at Policlinico Umberto I, and president of the European Society of Radiology, explains: “Policlinico Umberto I is a complex structure, within which research, training and care activities are intertwined. This includes eight different radiology departments alone, in which 220,000 imaging exams are carried out every year. As our previous image management system reached its end-of-life, the reliability of the system suffered, and studies could take several minutes to retrieve.”
“We are delighted to bring the benefits of Enterprise Imaging to the many and diverse users at the prestigious and historic Umberto I hospital. The right solutions help redefine the users’ experience by enhancing their productivity and boosting their wellbeing: that’s life in flow. And that is what Enterprise Imaging makes possible, across a secure, modular and scalable ecosystem that reduces complexity, improves clinical collaboration, and enhances workflow efficiency. The seamless implementation in the complex environment of Policlinico Umberto I is a testament to the design of the solution itself, as well as to the skill of our people and support, and of our partner Biesse Medica” says Andrea Polticchia, Regional President Europe South for AGFA HealthCare.

Comprehensive image management ecosystem that enables ‘Next-generation radiology’
1235-bed Policlinico Umberto I is one of the largest public hospitals in Italy, with 41,000 general admissions and 24,000 day hospital admissions annually. Radiology and other medical imaging play a key role in diagnosis and treatment, but also in education and research at this prestigious university hospital.
Following a competitive tender, Policlinico Umberto I chose the proposal of AGFA HealthCare and partner/dealer Biesse Medica, for the Enterprise Imaging platform, which delivers the reliability and near-real-time image access the hospital needs. In addition to the 47 Enterprise Imaging desktop workstations across the various radiology departments, the XERO® Viewers in the wards provide secure, near real-time access to imaging data, to anyone who needs it. The five-year contract also covers training and support, including the presence of two full-time support staff on-site.
AGFA HealthCare’s Enterprise Imaging is a consolidated image management platform designed to help radiologists, cardiologists and other clinical users work at the top of their craft and stay fully focused, free of distractions. The seamless integration of advanced clinical applications enables frictionless access to the tools that help improve diagnostic quality and accuracy. The platform keeps the entire healthcare ecosystem in flow, enabling healthcare providers to leverage medical imaging across the care continuum. By allowing images and related data to be captured, managed, stored and distributed across the enterprise, it eliminates inefficient imaging siloes.
1 Elefante.NET® RIS solution is only available in Italy.