New Enterprise Imaging Report from KLAS Research finds that AGFA HealthCare is making relationship and delivery strides amongst customer base

Entitled “Vendors and Providers Driving Market Progress”, the KLAS Research Enterprise Imaging Report 2024 focuses on the interest in and demand for Enterprise Imaging (EI) advancement, whilst reviewing Imaging IT providers for their leadership and progress in the last year.
We take considerable pride in the headline, as reported in the document. “AGFA HealthCare Makes Relationship & Delivery Strides” demonstrates how we have made significant improvements and “stepped up” as an Enterprise Imaging partner in the last year. This accolade not only underscores our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional value and support to our customers but also signifies a continued dedication to enhanced executive engagement and strategically guiding conversations.
Taken from the report:
“Customers report that AGFA HealthCare communicates about new development opportunities—for example, AI, the cloud, and expansion to additional service lines—and respondents feel the vendor has a strong vision in these areas and is generally moving in the right direction.”
In line with the breadth of our solutions offering, the report found our bank of respondents diverse, spanning from smaller hospitals to very large health systems and correspondingly, the report depicts some of the broadest Enterprise Imaging deployments in its samples. Respondents who have upgraded to Enterprise Imaging v.8.2 or v.8.3 of the vendor neutral archive (VNA) and universal viewer (UV) solutions are very positive. They believe that the upgrades delivered on promised functionality, resulting in improved workflows and more robust products, namely collaboration tools and improved diagnostic capabilities in the UV to support remote reading. Enterprise Imaging VNA and Enterprise Imaging XERO® Viewer – which was awarded 2024 Best in KLAS winner for universal viewers – are both seen as truly neutral products that seamlessly integrate with other solutions, can handle a wide range of image types, will scale for large organizations, and support the majority of an organization’s EI needs.
Equally, customers have reported improved partnership, with a notable commitment to customer success. They describe open, proactive engagement from our commercial teams, including consistent communication and strategic discussions. Investment in support and professional services have also been considered and shared – the growth of our service teams has received prominent feedback, as the report states:
“Respondents also note improved support as AGFA HealthCare has expanded their support staff and strengthened these individuals’’ knowledge base, enabling more timely responses and resolutions to customer requests. The support improvements have also had a direct impact on implementation quality – over the last year, implementations have largely gone smoothly thanks to a strong project management.”
Not only are we delighted with the outcomes of the report, we are also, as always, delighted to see testaments from our customers. We hear good feedback directly on a routine basis but seeing the outcomes of our efforts via an impartial and reputable source – such as KLAS Research – truly affirms that our strategy is the right one.
One such Imaging Director in the report concludes his views on AGFA HealthCare’s Enterprise Imaging Platform and customer support:
“AGFA HealthCare’s solution is one of the leading enterprising imaging platforms to encompass a bigger vision of the whole hospital. From AGFA HealthCare’s salespeople to product support people, the vendor does good implementations, and even though we have moved to a live-supported, formal method of resolution, the vendor still gets involved in our issues. We appreciate the vendor’s openness and engagement, and they address our ever-changing needs. Working with them is what makes our partnership successful.” -February 2024
As the industry continues to evolve, AGFA HealthCare remains dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions that set new standards in healthcare imaging. We express our gratitude to KLAS Research and our valued customers for their trust and collaboration, propelling us to do more and continually improve.