RANZCR Exclusive: Day 1

Published On: October 17th, 2024|Categories: Augmented Intelligence & Business Analytics, Enterprise Imaging Platform|

RANZCR 2024 has opened its doors in Perth! The radiology community has gathered once again to take full advantage of a content-rich agenda from RANZCR, an organisation that consistently delivers educational flair and up-to-the-moment industry intuition.

The AGFA HealthCare team is delighted to be participating in the 74th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists’ (RANZCR), which this year has the aim to learn from First Nations people and develop beyond the traditional realms of clinical disciplines.

The first of a 3-day event, today we received the ASM Committee Welcome, as presented by Dr Susanne Guy and Dr Lisa Sorger (Clinical Radiology) and A/Prof Suki Gill (Radiation Oncology). This was followed by President’s welcome from Prof John Slavotinek, before an incredible speech from Guest Speaker Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker, who launched the event’s theme of “a gathering under the stars” with unique referencing to her own experience as an award-winning radio astronomer, working from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Perth. Delivering an inspiring theme, Natasha spoke about her passion for understanding the universe, and bringing the beauty of astronomy to the world.

Soon after, the clinical sessions began – a component of the event for which RANZCR is internationally renowned. Clinical panels in MSK, Cardiac and Value-Based Care engaged the morning audience, and the afternoon’s sessions covering Artificial Intelligence titillated them further.

The technical exhibition also saw a surge of clinical professionals actively investigating the latest imaging technologies. At Booth 85, AGFA HealthCare showcased how Enterprise Imaging enables ‘Imaging without Barriers’ for radiologists, enhancing patient care delivery and promoting clinician work-life balance. Our reputable EI Platform offers near-real-time access to images, powerful diagnostic and AI tools, workflows for seamless sharing between sites, enhanced collaboration, and more. We were packed with demonstrative sessions, and found that, once again, the Australian radiology community has a huge appetite to press forward in their imaging management visions. Massively supported by our exclusive AGFA HealthCare Coffee Cart, of course!

Final sessions on Women’s Imaging and an AI Panel discussion led delegates once again back to the technical exhibition, where our local teams showcased our own RUBEE® AI platform and its expanded portfolio of curated AI packages that leverage the power of embedding AI into Enterprise Imaging workflows.  Visitors to our booth discovered how our customers could utilise these innovations in their daily practice to become more productive. This exhibition environment gave us the opportunity to demonstrate “hands-on” our suite of innovative imaging solutions – technologies poised to redefine the landscape of medical imaging.

Finally, the social arena; the ASM Welcome Reception was well attended and offered all participants an opportunity to network in a professional environment.

Great opening day today! See you tomorrow!


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