SIRM Exclusive: Day -1

Opening tomorrow!
A huge thanks to our AGFA HealthCare Italian team and SIRM organisation for creating an exceptional meeting and demonstration environment for SIRM 2024 – we await the Italian radiology community to come together in Milano! Although the event is still in build stages, #TeamAGFA is already preparing meeting zones to host commercial discussions and optimising our demonstrative workstations to create engaging sessions.
At the Allianz MiCo, AGFA HealthCare will demonstrate how Enterprise Imaging and Elefante® Web RIS enable ‘Imaging without Barriers’, enhancing the delivery of patient care and promoting clinician work-life balance. Our flagship Enterprise Imaging Platform offers near-real-time access to images, powerful diagnostic and AI tools, and smart workflows that enable seamless sharing between sites. Elefante® Web, AGFA HealthCare’s next-generation RIS technology, provides easy and secure access to centralized patient data and images from any location.
Join us for educational sessions lead by our Radiology Thought Leaders! ! Tomorrow from 17:10-18:10, attend the interactive workshop hosted by Dott. Fabio Ferroni (IRST Meldola) and AGFA HealthCare’s Flavio Cicioni. Titled “Structured Reporting in Elefante Web”, this session in room 5 will demonstrate our customizable RIS solution – fast, easy and web-based, and offering secure access to centralized patient data and images from any location! Imaging without barriers live!
Reach out to book an appointment at Hall 4, Booth #J02-J13! See how our Italian teams will bring “That’s life in flow” to your health organization!
Stay updated on the latest SIRM 2024 news on our website – check out our News section to see our daily updates.